Sarah Lucas
Sarah Lucas’ practice is characterized by irreverent humour and the creation of visual puns and vulgar euphemisms. Spanning sculpture, photography, and installation, her work evokes the body in its physical, cultural, and psychic dimensions. In her compositions, Lucas often uses everyday objects as a substitute for the human body: furniture, food, tabloid newspapers, tights, toilets, and cigarettes are usually coupled with slang and crude genital innuendo. By appropriating and exhibiting lewd gestures that reveal the absurdity of sexual stereotypes, she subverts the male gaze and the tropes of what is considered feminine or masculine; in a similar vein, her defiant self-portraits invoke the sexual dynamics of the observer and the observed. Lucas’s artwork pushes the sculptural possibilities of bodily representation to question the way we understand and relate to inherent aspects of human experience such as sexuality, illness, and death.

blue tights, navy stockings, wood and vinyl chair, clamp, kapok and wire
99.1 × 86.4 × 79.1 cm |
39 × 31 1/8 in.